Friday, May 30, 2008


One of our favorite attributes of Levi's personality is his ability to love everything, he has no timidity to try new things. In fact Joe and I always say what ever is the most challenging Levi sets out to conquer it first. We love watching his boldness, if people know Joe or I they know we are not quite like thank you Jesus for such a fantastic son!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Levi's first baseball game of the `08 season

I think there expressions are so funny, the royals have the largest LCD (i think that is what it is called) screen and as you can see the boys are quite taken by it. The other pic is Levi swinging his air bat. The kid LOVESSSSSSSSSSSS sports, and he is quite good at them.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Silly face and of course holding a football

Like I said loves balls...can't hardly get him into the car because we pass his basketball and football in the garage. This is our compromise, he can hold one while we drive.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Levi Loves IHOP webstream

I could not resist taking these pictures although Levi knows he is not to touch the computer. The IHOP web stream was on and he pulled the comp. onto his lap all the while saying JON, JON, JON and playing air guitar and piano. He loves to watch our friend Jon Thurlow on the keys worshipping. He asks to see him everyday.